Thanks to our sensory analysis instruments and our services in food testing, guarantee a constant quality and meet consumers’ needs more easily.

To satisfy consumers, the food industry must design products that will meet their expectations and must manufacture them with a constant and flawless quality.
That is why industrials frequently call on sensory analysis, both to evaluate and know the sensory characteristics during product development, but also to control the food flavoring during the production steps of food products.
Development, production, quality control: control the sensory features of your products thanks to sensory analysis
Thanks to a rapidity and high throughput of analysis, our sensory analysis instruments allow to increase the analytical capabilities for the sensory analysis (odor, taste, color, shape) of food products from the formulation steps up to the quality control of the production:
- Support to the formulation of new products: comparisons of recipes, competitive products benchmarking, follow-up of sensory features stability of food ingredients
- Sensory control of food ingredients and raw materials upon receipt and validation of new suppliers
- Characterization of manufacturing process influence on the sensory attributes of food products
- Sensory conformity testing on processed food products: aroma and taste quality control of food, visual inspection of food products, off-odor or odorous contamination detection in food
- Investigation of consumers’ complaints and identification of sensory defects in food
- Organoleptic control of food packaging
- Origin certification of food products, fraud detection.